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No Gi Worlds 2016

No Gi Worlds 2016

This past month OSS athletes Andy Murasaki, Kaniela Kahuanui, Guthierry "Panda" Barbosa and Jeremy Nitta headed to the cow palace in Daily city for the 2016 No Gi world championships.

After hard matches Kaniela, Guthierry and Jeremy came up a little short. All of them trained and prepared well but on this day it was not their time. For Andy his year continued to be amazing. After winning double gold at the mundials he brought home gold at no gi worlds. In the final he was caught in a tight kimura and never stopped fighting to eventually get out.

We  are proud to sponsor all of you! You guys are champions on and off the mat and we are very excited to see what you guys do in 2017. Keep chasing your dreams, lets go!!

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