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Don't call it a comeback..

Don't call it a comeback..

This morning as we got the orders ready to ship out we took a moment to reflect on the year so far. In January we made a commitment, this would be our year. Since that time we launched a follow up to the version 1, a gi three years in the making and the response has been amazing. The more people saw these gi's the faster they sold out, restock after restock. We should have more in very soon!

We have also started releasing more of our shirts. Over the years we came up with so many designs but never had time to release them till now! Tomorrow we launch our latest (and one of my favorites) the signature 2016 in black. This will be followed by our Aloha series in a week. 

We have also just re-opened our wholesale division, available to retail stores and academies. As always no online orders please.

We'd like to send a huge thank you to everyone who has supported the brand, whether you were with us from day 1 or you just started following us we appreciate all your support. Our dream is coming true thanks to you.




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